By Franklin Skribbit

One of the most challenging tasks for students of any discipline is to write a term paper or other important form of paper when it is assigned with a seemingly far off due date.

Laptop vs. Pen & Paper

If you want to take better notes, you need to make a conscious decision regarding the medium you will use. Switching back and forth between the two can be confusing and time consuming, not to mention disorganized.

While on the other hand, when people in general and students in specific are given tasks that they can postpone they will tend to do so for various reasons, some of which reasons are very legitimate and can be seen as properly prioritizing time.

Competent note taking relies heavily on your ability to accurately and clearly record the information. Take time to learn to type faster and know the keyboard shortcuts for commonly used things like bold and underline. If you prefer to hand write your notes work on your penmanship. Hastily scribbled and hardly legible notes are quite simply a waste of time.


Outlining itself is another way for a student to help themselves to stay on task with their term papers throughout the semester. After the general organization of the paper is complete, a student can focus on the specific outline for the paper.

Effective note taking requires some preparation. If you haven't done the homework or the previous night's reading assignment, understanding your professor becomes much harder. Familiarize yourself with the material and arrive a few minutes early to class so that you can review the material again before class begins. Also, remove or turn off distractions like your phone and the internet so that you can focus on what is being taught.

Now we come to the hardest part, what to write down and how. This is where personal preference and learning style really come in to play. Do some research and play around with various methods for documenting your notes. There are quite a few including mind mapping, charting, the Cornell method, and creating a rough outline. It is important for you to find one that works for you.

These tips can help students of business in National City and other studen ts elsewhere to complete their term papers on schedule. Doing so will allow these students to have more time to work on their papers, get better quality from their research and writing, and be able to have less stress come the end of the semester due to a postponed term paper.

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